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Featured Artists

  • Rusty
  • Drift Away (25')
  • Loon's (25')
  • Head In The Clouds
  • Monochrome Sparkle II (25')
  • There For You (25')
  • Misty  - 20 x 10 in. wide - Acrylic on Canvas
  • Stream Dream  - 30 x 10 in. wide - Acrylic on Canvas
  • Another Beautiful Day (25') - 20 x 10 in. wide - Acrylic on Canvas
  • Pink Clouds (25') - 24 x 6 in. wide - Acrylic on Canvas
  • Calm (25') - 12 x 12 in.  - Acrylic on Birch Panel

Jordan Hicks

Jordan Hicks is an artist, one who shares a special bond with the natural world and the beauty within. Born in 1969, Kingston Ontario his childhood sketchbooks and paintings are clear testimony for his love of all things beautiful.

The desire to pursue a career in art and share his creativity led to a Graphic Design Diploma in 1992. Shortly after college the passion of creating work mostly on computers, began to fade and the easel would become a part of him. In a relatively short period he began supplying galleries with paintings and the commitment to become a full-time artist bore fruition in 2007. Jordan currently has seven galleries representing his work and his days are now spent painting or on field trips gathering inspirational subject material.

Moving into a Century old farm house in 1998 Jordan soon discovered the surrounding fields and rural backdrop provided new inspiration. Amazed at the incredible diversity of life found in a cluster of wildflowers or the simple beauty of a fallow field, Jordan’s signature series took root in the year 2000.

With past experience of working with watercolours, oils and acrylics there was a desire to apply paint with the special individual qualities of these mediums. This approach to painting resulted in a technique that allows Jordan’s work to be instantly recognizable. With a combination of washes, and textures his paintings are a plethora of colour, depth and patterns.

Although Jordan’s work is most identifiable by his wildflower series he continues to challenge himself by exploring new inspiration, techniques and assorted imagery.

For me, the main ingredient to a successful painting is honesty. I choose to avoid trends. My goal is to create timeless images that reflect my vision and feelings for our natural world. The years I spent in College supplied me with the necessary fundamentals such as Composition, Colour Theory and Art History. I have never received any formal instruction on how to paint. The desire to learn on my own, allows my work to be both challenging, yet unique. I have enjoyed the development of my painting through experimentation while creative ambition is more of an obsession. I need to paint on a very consistent basis. I am extremely fortunate to have acquired a clientele that connects with my art and continues to support my work.


Testimonials from King St. Gallery Visitors, Customers, Sign - In Book

" We :Love Jordan's work -we have one for each season" - Customer

'Sooooo beautiful and happy' - Visitor - sign - in book

"We have a beautiful piece in our dining room. Every time we entertain, people comment on how beautiful it is" - Customer

'We come here regularly - we admire the detail and how happy they make us feel" - Customer

"STUNNING!! Just Gorgeous!! - Sign -in Book


All Images are subject to copyright law and cannot be reproduced or copied.
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